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How to Maintain Inventory Contro麗醫l in the Interlining Indust離信ry
 Date:2017-10-19 11:08:1信草2 Hit:1 

Under the current fierce competitio美船n, suppliers in the interlining in裡相dustry are making every e哥拿ffort to lower the costs for their prod少的ucts, which in turn become one of 答刀the core competences of the company. 農為Of all aspects that threat to a b答站usiness success, the most in分關fluential one is, perhaps長民, the waste. This is espec看開ially true in the interlining 亮場industry. Waste causes a m街新ajority part of problems她她 for the manufacturing proc藍數ess for interlining products such as 舊新woven interlining, non-wo件件ven interlining and fusib錯海le interlining. It thus leads to highe體的r costs to both the interlin師湖ing manufacturers and t區民he customers. Problems of waste n唱行ot only lead to high cost of the prod請放ucts, but also create harms to the env生問ironment. It takes more energy and件厭 time to solve the problems of waste.

There are a variety ways t算喝o couple with waste, such as qu行樂ality control and st森都rategic planning on 畫低manufacturing. One of the ways t玩站o reduce the impact by waste is invent跳農ory control, from a s的高upply chain management point of v姐煙iew. The key to success for the manufac鄉市turers in the interlining 體人industry is to implement invent我藍ory control. The interlining suppliers 爸麗need to practice and learn how to飛綠 maintain a good level of inven山友tory of their products like woven in答年terlining, non-woven服林 interlining and fusible interlining.能不 Too large of little on i來土nventory will destroy t舊街he business. The level of inven離兵tory must be adjusted to黃又 meet the business’s needs a能農nd be changed with the se見通asonal demands. Problems with 相內inventory are fatal for an interlining男南 supplier. You will lose customer放和s if you don’t have the right int報日erlining products for your customer 呢房when they want it. On the co他金ntrary, if you hold a high哥視 level of inventory for a particular i友務nterlining product than you nor書火mally sell, it will 人頻cost you a lot of mo很議ney. Either too much or t書微oo little, the inventory cont書友rol becomes a huge problem and will呢放 result in failure of your business.

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